The ReMissioning Church Health Assessment can be taken by churches of any size. Individual participants’ responses remain anonymous but are compiled to evaluate a congregation’s strength level related to each of the 10 health factors. Once all the information has been gathered, you will receive a personalized and in- depth assessment report based on the data.
The assessment report will calculate the scores for each question, compare the responses, and highlight the vital signs with the highest mean responses and lowest mean responses. The final report will celebrate areas of congregational strength and address areas of concern, as well as offer recommendations and resources for the church to achieve health and vitality in the future.
Key Features of the Assessment
- The ReMissioning assessment is web-based so participants can take the survey from home or office.
- The online survey takes an average of 20-25 minutes per person.
- Responses are strictly anonymous, and no names are connected with responses given. Participants information will not be shared.
- You will receive a comprehensive report containing detailed survey findings and suggested next steps to help you and your church assimilate the findings of your assessment report so you can create a strategic plan for the future.
10 Vital Signs of a Thriving Church
- Christ Centeredness
- Vision Clarity
- Authentic Worship
- Discipling Community
- Leadership Development
- Spiritual Formation
- Effective Systems
- Lay Mobilization
- Kingdom Generosity
- Missional Impulse
Simple 3 Step Process
- Take the ReMissioning Assessment
- Review your results with the church
- Take your church through the ReMissioning process
- ReView Reviewing the assessment
- ReNew Seeking spiritual renewal through prayer, study, and walking in the Holy Spirit
- ReVision Developing a new vision for the church’s future
- ReEngage Launching a churchwide strategy